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The Resources Above Relate to Protests as well as Direct Action Campaigns

Below Are Principles to Remember If We Face the Rise of Authoritarianism in Any Form -

If one political party becomes more authoritarian and is working to gain complete control.

Principles for the Preservation of Freedom

What to do when authoritarianism is on the rise.

Do Not Obey in Advance

Defend Institutions

Beware the One-Party State

Take Responsibility for the Face of the World

Remember Professional Ethics

Be Wary of Paramilitaries

Stand Out

Be Kind to Our Language

Believe in Truth


Make Eye Contact and Small Talk

Practice Corporeal Politics

Establish a Private Life

Contribute to Good Causes

Learn from Peers in Other Countries

Listen for Dangerous Words

Be Calm When the Unthinkable Arrives

Be a Patriot

Be as Courageous as You Can

If you got choked up reading any of these principles , you are not alone. They speak to the predictable tactics used by those in government who are attempting to consolidate power.

It's almost incomprehensible to those of us living in the United States of America, that we now need to learn these principles of defense against tyranny. But given the right conditions, some in government can rise and take full power.

Must-See videos of Timothy Snyder talking about the rise of authoritarianism in the United States.

Older Versions of Resources:

Created to defend against a coup attempt in 2020